What liner bag size fit the boxes?
45 gal and Up. Bags ordered through us are clear 45 gal.

How does the box do at an event that has wet conditions?
The boxes have proven to hold up great, however they are corrugated made for recycled content and at some point, would weaken in an “All-Day” rain. If needed our liner bags fit on the outside of the box for extra protection.

If I wanted to sell the boxes to my customer, what would be the sale price?
The National average sale price is $12.00 – $15.00. However, due to the low price point, and knowing the containers are disposable without having to sanitize, many businesses give the product to their customers. This also shows goodwill and acknowledge that you care about the quality of their event.

My customers never ask for trash cans.
From our own experience, we know this. Your customers are not thinking about trash; however, it will accumulate at their event. If you ask them… “What are you doing about trash at your event?” and explain you have our product; you will be amazed at how many will be happy the boxes are available.

Are the containers only available in white?
NO! The Containers are available in WHITE AND BLACK. If you want custom printing, you can only print on white boxes.

EASE for Flower Shop and Other Retail

Currently we use traditional trash bins for our cut stems. Why would I switch to boxes?
We used to use traditional bins in our flower shop as well. Creating our Ease Boxes eliminated having to sanitize the plastic container, allows for more portability around the shop, is an easier size to dump, and is the perfect product to flatten back out to take to offsite projects.

Can I get more than 6 boxes?
Yes! You can order as many as you want in increments of 6 (That’s how they are packaged). If you are a large chain of shops or a wholesaler we can create a pallet size order with bigger discounts.

I love that my order came with a liner bag option. How do I get more bags and what size are they?
No matter if you received clear regular bags or the green tint compostable bags, you can order cases of liners that come in a qty. of 100 per case. The size for either kind of bag is purposely “oversized” for the box and is 45 gal.

The flower business has extremely low margins, why would I add this extra expense?
Again, we know this by having our own flower shop. Our price point per unit is extremely low. We studied the box’s time saving and enhanced safety components, as well as customer recognition of our sustainability efforts, and realized this in the end was the more economical solution.

EASE for Empty Bottles and Cans

I need this box for exactly all the things it’s meant for, but our state doesn’t do any refunding for empties?
No problem. The value of the box isn’t just for refundable bottles and cans. It helps collect and dispose of empties properly no matter what the setting. Remember “Empties Need a Place.”

Our empties box lasts a very long time and was happy to get liner bags with my order. However, I need more bags. Where do I get them and what size are they?
The size of the bag is 30 gal and will hold approximately 140 cans. You can purchase more bags by case (qty. 100) from us.

The kit comes with two units. Can I purchase just one?
Unfortunately, no. Due to shipping and packaging requirements two is the minimum. Share one with a neighbor, a camper or the tailgater next door.

We have a large youth sports organization in California and our state has the “Bottle Return Law” in place. This product would be great for our “Can Drives.” Can we order in “Bulk”?
Absolutely! We can develop a large custom quantity to ship via pallet that will have deep discounts because of the volume. Please call for a quote.